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The student voice of St. George's Independent School.

The Lodge

The student voice of St. George's Independent School.

The Lodge

The student voice of St. George's Independent School.

The Lodge

Emma Bennett

Emma Bennett, Co-Editor-in-Chief

When you can’t find her on the soccer field, the lacrosse field or helping a lost freshman, you can usually find Emma Bennet furiously working in the newsroom. This is Emma’s third year on the Lodge, and the entire staff is extremely glad to have her back for her senior year, this time serving as co-editor-in-chief. Although Emma does possess some “anti-skills,” such as not being able to blow a bubble or swallow pills, she is an avid volunteer in the SGIS community, while also managing mock trial and other extra-curriculars. She’s looking forward to pushing herself in journalism even further and improving the SGIS community. If you ever need help finding something, getting out of a sticky situation in a class or just need someone to show you the silver lining, just head up to the newsroom, and you’ll find Emma, happy to help you with whatever you might need.

All content by Emma Bennett
Sophomore Kayla Hayes carefully stays her hand as the softball goes above the strike zone while she is up at bat against Harding Academy. Hayes played competitive softball before joining the St. George’s team this season.

It’s a New Chapter for Softball

Emma Bennett, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 17, 2019
Kyle Gasaway

Kyle Gasaway

Emma Bennett, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 11, 2019
Timber King

Timber King

Emma Bennett, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 11, 2019
Senior Surabhi Singh poses to look like someone is trying to touch her. Many students of St. George's also feel as though people leave their handprints after they have been sexually harassed.


Emma Bennett, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 9, 2019
A christmas tree ornament hangs in the Collierville Square. Christmas trees have popped up all around Memphis as the holiday season descends.

Where Do Christmas Trees Come From?

Emma Bennett, Co-editor-in-chief
December 24, 2018
Photojournalist Doug Mills explains his photograph of President Trump to students attending the Free Spirit Conference in D.C. Mr. Mills was one of the speakers at the conference and discussed his relationship with presidents as a photographer.

Trump and the media

Emma Bennett, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 26, 2018


Emma Bennett, Web Editor
April 10, 2018
Junior Emily Grace Rodgers looks down the girls lacrosse team line during the game against Hutchison. Rodgers was unable to play lacrosse this season after receiving a concussion over a year ago.

Point of impact

Emma Bennett, Reporter
June 10, 2017

Switching it up

Emma Bennett, Reporter
May 16, 2017
The sketch for the mural is shown on a piece of paper. Students and faculty helped recreate this sketch as a mural during MLK day.

Painting a difference

Emma Bennett, Reporter
January 22, 2017
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