Caroline’s Column

what to do on Valentine’s Day

A single person stands proud of their singularity while a couple displays their love and affection towards one another. This displays the different things both parties will be participating in on Valentine's Day.

Photo: Illustration: Nathan Weinreich '15 and Annie Vento '17

A single person stands proud of their singularity while a couple displays their love and affection towards one another. This displays the different things both parties will be participating in on Valentine’s Day.

The purpose of the most loved and most hated holiday, Valentine’s Day, was to commemorate St. Valentine’s death. Today, its primary function is to exchange trinkets and affectionate words with another person that someone has a deep romantic love for. This day obviously is strongly disliked by the majority of single people and the perfect combination of wonderful and stressful for those who have a significant other. To make it through the long awaited February 14th, here is a guide for both the free-spirit single soul and the love-inspired taken token.


Sassy Solo:

Odds are you have been dreading this day for quite some time now, especially if you recently got out of a relationship. Maybe your New Year’s resolution was to not spend another Valentine’s Day alone, and you just let yourself down. Do not dare spend this day completely alone. You could choose to spite the day with your closest single friends who declared today as Single’s Awareness Day or have this be the new October 13th (Treat Yo Self Day).

Surprisingly, there is a better option than this! You could actually find a Valentine. This may seem like a daunting task, but it truly is not that big of a challenge. Option one: get one of your single friends to be yours. Option two: go find some random, relatively attractive person.

Option one: You probably have one friend that is completely friend zoned, and they have done the same to you. The two of you are in platonic love, and that is how it will always be. Make a cute, happy card with all your personal jokes and ensure that it is not romantic in any way, shape, or form. They will be super stoked that they will not be alone. The two of you can Treat Yo Self together à Treat Yo Selves.

Option two: You are on a nice stroll in a densely populated area and simultaneously on the prowl. Suddenly, you spot a fine specimen that you want as a handy, dandy valentine. Luckily, you stood in the power position for fourteen minutes this morning as preparation for this very moment. Confidently walk up to previously mentioned person and say any of these amazing pick-up and keep forever and ever lines.

-You must be a keyboard because you’re just my type

-*for the nerds out there* You’re the Obi-wan for me

-Is there a rainbow today? (await response) Oh, well because I just found my treasure

-I think you’re suffering from lack of vitamin me

-If you ever get mauled by a bear with chainsaw hands, I hope he stays away from your face because I think you’re kinda cute

-I might be Left Shark, but I’m the Right Shark for you

-If you were a coffee, you’d be espresso because you’re so fine

Regardless of what you choose to do with your day, just know that someone loves you for you, and you can accomplish anything you want because you are perfect! You go and dominate the world, you shooting star!


Passionate Pair:

So you are not single on the day for couples, what do you do? Obviously, there is a gift and a date involved. Do not panic because I got this totally covered for you boo bear.

Gift: Hopefully you know your bae well enough to figure out what they want for a present. If not, I will now refer you to my previous column for Christmas present suggestions. Please note that the gift suggestions are pretty generic. If you want something more personalized, do not be afraid to experiment with crafts and homemade do it yourself presents. Hop on Pinterest and search “do it yourself presents.” Some of these may be intimidating but just go for it. Babe will for sure appreciate anything you make with love, well hopefully.

Date: Since you are reading this, you most likely have yet to make reservations for a dinner of sorts. In that case, do not try to make any because it will not work. Instead, go on a fun, cheap date! Do something like take your significant other on a picnic but make sure to be nice and warm, send them on a scavenger hunt where you give little gifts along the way and you are the final surprise, or have a magical night where you stay in and watch movies the two of you pick out together while eating a meal you cooked together by candlelight. Be careful handling fire.

So forget all the worries you have about Valentine’s Day because just spending time with the one you truly want will be the most amazing time ever.