Five Questions with Christiana Nyarko
Photo: Katie Boyle
1. Where’s your favorite place to travel to?
2. What is your craziest experience in another country?
“When I was in London, I almost left there. I wanted to go see the city, so I left my bags at a place called “checked baggage,” where they would temporally hold my bags. When I came back to get my bags, I didn’t have enough money to get them, so they couldn’t give me my bags. I had to call my uncle in the U.S. because my parents were in a different country. He tried to send me money through Western Union and that didn’t work and then he tried money grams and that didn’t work, so he ended up having to pay the company directly. It all worked out, and I got my bags.”
3. What is your favorite thing about Memphis?
“The people are really nice for the most part.”
4. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
“Italy. I haven’t been to Italy, which is why I wanna go there.”
5. 20 years from now, where do you see yourself living?
“I have no idea but not in America. “