Q&A with Mrs. Underwood

Mrs. Underwood will be the new dean of students for the 2015-2016 school year. She has been teaching for the past nine years and felt that this would be a great opportunity.

Photo: Tatum Nix

Mrs. Underwood will be the new dean of students for the 2015-2016 school year. She has been teaching for the past nine years and felt that this would be a great opportunity.

1. Are you teaching any classes next year now that you are taking the Dean of Students position?

Yes, I will still have one section of anatomy.

2. Will the bug project still exist?

Mr. Masters still does the bug project with the standard kids, and the honors class this year had a recycling project, so I don’t know if that will continue or not. It makes me kind of sad to relinquish the biology part of the job.

3. Why were you interested in taking this Dean of Students position?

It’s a new opportunity. I have been teaching for nine years, and opportunities like these don’t present themselves often. It took me a while to decide if I wanted to apply because I feel very strongly about what I do in the classroom, but I wanted to do something different, knowing I could always go back to teaching. Also, the school is in a time of change, so it is exciting, from that stand point, to be able to take part in what’s to come.

4. Is there anything you plan on doing differently as the Dean of Students?

At teacher out-service this year, I’m going to turn over my suggestions to the teachers and let them find the holes, things that don’t make sense, what are the kids going to say to this, and that kind of thing. Then, in June, we’re going to gather a lot of students together and let them do the same thing. This way, it is language everyone understands. It is increased buy-in from both students and faculty.

5. Is Mrs. Irvin going to remain the Assistant Dean of Students?

I know she is planning on it because we turned our contracts in in March. She has a baby on the way, which could change some things, but the school is very supportive of family first. So, she will still be able to do her job as she also tackles being a new mom.