At the end of the St. George’s school day, students flood the student parking lot eager to get to their next destination. What could go wrong? A lot more than one might think.
The road test leading to officially getting a license is quite easy, as noted by junior Lorelai Michael.
“You just drive around the block. All I did was right turns the whole time, and I thought it was such an interesting thing to be like, “Ok well like, that’s all?” she said.
She noted that more defensive skills were emphasized on the driving test.
“I know some people who drive pretty recklessly and have passed, and I’m like, that’s crazy that these people drive insane, like I don’t want to be in cars with them,” said Michael.
Michael also explained that there is a difference between older drivers versus newer drivers.
“Sophomores are like ‘Oh my god, I just got my license, like I’m still nervous, I’m scared to do this,’’’ she said.
When asked about the differences, Mrs. Page McMullen, Mathematics Department Chair and occasional carpool monitor in the student parking lot, had observed this exact thing.
“A lot of the students are very cautious when they go and first get their driver’s license, and they drive very slowly,” Mrs. McMullen said. “then people get more confident, and sometimes better, but sometimes overconfidence leads to you know, being a little careless too.”
Being careless while driving on campus can result in many unwanted consequences. Speeding, for instance, can put other students, as well as the driver, in a dangerous situation.
Mrs. Heidi Rubin de la Borbolla, English Department Chair, said she worries about middle schoolers due to reckless driving.
“I always worry about the middle school student who is running out in the parking lot to their older sibling’s car, and not always paying attention,” she said. “We even have older students who will be looking at their phone as they’re walking to their car.”
During heavy foot traffic, being attentive while sitting behind the wheel in the parking lot is essential.
“Anything that interferes with student safety is what I get concerned about,” said Mrs. Rubin.