Guts and glory in Atlanta

Upper school students learn and explore in Atlanta

Photo: Bayard Anderson

Senior anatomy students Will Ryan and Christian Lenoir try on biohazard suits at the CDC. Anatomy and physiology students traveled to Atlanta to tour the CDC and Bodies The Exhibition.

The anatomy and physiology classes took a trip to Atlanta to visit Bodies: The Exhibition and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Sunday, Jan. 8 through Mon. Jan. 9.

Senior Kneeland Gammill happy he attended the trip though there were some downsides.

“It’s a long drive to make twice in two days, but overall I’m glad that I took anatomy this year,” Gammill said.

Except for long lines at Wendy’s, the drive down was relatively uneventful according to Gammill, and most students arrived at the Embassy Suites in Atlanta ahead of schedule.

The students were then given time to settle into their rooms and three hours to explore the area.

“We just hung out in Atlanta and walked around,” Senior Ben Stamps said.

The next morning, students woke up and went to Bodies: The Exhibition. The exhibit featured different human bodies that had been dissected to show how different systems worked.

“I thought it was interesting, just seeing what’s in our body and how our bodies work and getting to see it on a real person,” Senior Christian Lenoir said.

After the tour, students went to lunch in Atlantic Station then visited the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While visiting the CDC, students toured the CDC museum as well.

“It was pretty neat. It was a cool tour of the history of the CDC, and the lady gave us some really interesting facts,” Senior Grant Poteet said.

Overall, students enjoyed the opportunity to see both attractions.

“It was a real nice time to spend with my classmates and learn about the anatomy of the human body,” Poteet said.