The passing of the head

The mascot changes hands

The passing of the head

Marshall Humphrey, 2014 alumni, is heading off to the University of Tennessee Knoxville in the fall, ending his reign as the Gryphon mascot. His sideline pushups at the football games will remain a tradition along with the spirited personality of the mascot. However, a replacement lies in the class just behind Humphrey’s.

Owen Miller, class of 2015, will be taking Marshall’s place in the 2014-2015 school year.

“I am looking forward to a fun year of being the Gryphon,” said Owen.

The Gryphon is seen at numerous sporting events, including every football game in the fall as well as the middle and upper school pep rallies.

The Gryphon mascot has been a tradition at St. George’s for years. The mascot’s job is not only to exhibit school spirit with the costume on, but through the hallways as well.

“I think he [the mascot] is always full of spirit,” said senior Madeline East.

Senior James Cloutier, Prefect of Spirit, also had much to say about the Gryphon.

“The Gryphon mascot is an integral part of the St. George’s lifestyle. Without him, the lifeblood of the St. George’s community would be depleted,” said James.

The mascot has even made a spirited impact on the middle school.

“When the mascot is at the pep rallies or other all-school events, the middle school always makes more noise,” said Jacqueline Cole, class of 2019.

The student body was able to witness the passing of the head ceremony on the last day of the 2014 school year, where Owen sought to prove his readiness with multiple laps and high fives around the gym.

“This energy assured me that he’s going to be a great mascot,” said Morgan Wirth, class of 2017.

This position is one filled with hard work, dedication, and spirit, qualities that Owen seeks to embody everyday.