St. George’s has talent!
Elementary school students participate in annual talent show
Photo: Kendall LoCascio
The Memphis Elementary Pom Squad performs their number at the talent show on Wednesday, Feb. 17. The group had been practicing their routine since November.
On Wed. Feb. 17, St. George’s elementary school students participated in the annual talent show. Students in first through fifth grade, from both the Germantown and Memphis campuses, were allowed to participate in solo, duo or group acts. This year, the participants danced, sang and played instruments, including the piano, guitar and drums.
Most students have been preparing for this show since November. Practices were held weekly, and all of the kids worked diligently to learn their pieces, find the perfect costume and make their act stage ready.
“I had so much fun,” third grader Carson Wells said. “I can’t wait for next year!” Many students, as well as the elementary school faculty, are already looking forward to participating in this event again next year.
As Mr. Peters said at the conclusion of the show, students had fun, showcased their talents and worked together to create a great show, which is what the talent show is all about.