Students prepare for a cold day
Photo: Heather Stevenson
Junior, Susannah Smith is completely prepared for the day’s cold temperatures. Students dressed up in their skiing and snow day attire for the Ski Bunny/Sno-Bro Day.
The weekend of Winter Palooza has officially begun with the theme for Friday, Jan. 30, being Ski Bunnies and Sno-Bros Day.
Students came to school dressed in their best ski gear and snow day layers. Mr. William McClain, the Director of Sustainability and the Environmental Science teacher, seized the opportunity to benefit the ongoing Green Cup Energy Challenge.
“My Environmental Science class came up with the brilliant idea that we turn down the thermostats and keep it dark in the building,” Mr. McClain said in an email. “The high temperature tomorrow is a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler than today, so we can really enhance the spirit of the day by encouraging people to bundle up and brighten up our building with your ski gear.”
The lights were definitely dimmer today and students were well-prepared for colder temperatures. The Green Cup Challenge is continuing on with a high level of spirit.