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Golden Hours: Remembering Tyre Nichols

The nation is still mourning the loss of Tyre Nichols, who was murdered by Memphis police on his way home from taking pictures of the sunset just after the turn of the new year. The news about the Tuesday night he was killed has left many hearts broken and caused anger around our city. The Lodge staff has been working on ways to remember Nichols and his legacy, and throughout the weeks following his passing, each member of the staff took pictures of sunsets around the city in an effort to remember Nichols for one of his favorite hobbies, photography. It’s scary to know that the police, who are supposed to protect us, are sometimes the ones that hurt us the most. Tyre Nichols deserved safety, just like the rest of us. As a staff, we believe that everyone should be able to participate in their creative pursuits without fear. There is no freedom in a terror-stricken world, and we cannot live peacefully under a system that does not protect us like it’s supposed to.
This staff editorial content represents the collective opinion of the ‘22-’23 Lodge staff.