Letter From the Editor

Dear staff and readers,

In my time at the Lodge I’ve had the opportunity to do some incredible things and learn from a plethora of experiences both good and bad. I would like to believe that I have been able to grow, mature and find myself as a person largely due to this magazine. Many of the stories that I have been blessed enough to work on have taught me more than one might think. This year in particular I have learned three very valuable lessons that I would like to pass on: flexibility, accountability and forgiveness.

What I’ve come to realize is that these lessons have served to make me a better person and peer.

I’ll be the first person to admit that I prefer things to go my way. Turns out, the Lodge has taught me time and time again that, one the first idea isn’t often going to be the best, and two more often than not – I end up liking other people’s ideas better than mine anyway. It’s amazing what we can do with an extra voice.

Accountability has become more important to me than ever. The phrase “I messed up, I’m sorry,” is a tough one for me to say. However, in my position this yeaAnd I know what you’re thinking — how cliché. But bear with me. I’ve realized that forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting the past, but it does mean setting aside grudges and letting myself be happy.r, I realize that I’ve messed up plenty of times. I found that simply acknowledging my own mistakes has helped me to build, maintain and even repair many of the relationships I have come to really value. Mistakes aren’t easy for any of us to own up to, but I truly believe that accountability is a huge step towards a positive future.

Finally, I wanted to share with you something I’ve come to realize the value of recently. Forgiveness.

And I know what you’re thinking — how cliché. But bear with me. I’ve realized that forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting the past, but it does mean setting aside grudges and letting myself be happy.

I understand that not everyone is ready to forgive and that is totally valid. Sometimes things are too fresh or too painful,
and it’s okay to accept that, too.

But forgiving past transgressions feels so much better to me than having the weight of the anger and the grudges on my shoulders.

Thank you for being my community these last four years. It’s been beautiful.

Signing off,
Madeline Sisk