What you need to know about the Coronavirus (4/28)

- Over 1,000 people have recovered from the Coronavirus in Shelby County
- According to the Tennessee Health Department, the average age of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 is 45 years old
- According to the Tennessee Health Department, deaths from the Coronavirus have ranged from individuals who were 27 years old to 95 years old
- The average age of those who died from the Coronavirus in Tennessee is 70 years old
- In Tennessee, white people comprise the majority of the confirmed Coronavirus cases and deaths
- However, as Shelby County is majority black, most confirmed cases and fatalities in Shelby County have been black
- Governor Bill Lee has allowed restaurants to open again in 89 counties across the state, relaxing the Safer-at-Home order he enacted to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus
- Shelby County is not one of those counties though, and Mayor Lee Harris extended the Safer-At-Home order for Shelby county until April 30th, while Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland extended the order until May 5th