Nutrition Hub: Fad or Fulfilling?
New smoothie bar attracts St. George’s students and raises some concerns
Photo: Spencer Cotham
This is a green matcha tea served at Nutrition Hub. Nutrition Hub is located at 9087 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN.
Are you looking for a new place to eat or for a place to hang out after school? Recently, a new restaurant has been making waves among St. George’s students: Nutrition Hub. Their menu has a wide mixture of options, ranging from fruity smoothies to delicious teas, while also providing a modern atmosphere and friendly wait staff. Junior Hayden Hodges is a big fan of Nutrition Hub.
“I really like the variety of flavors they have,” Hodges said. “There’s a lot of options depending on what mood you’re in, so I go there whenever I can. It’s a really cool place to go and just hang out.”
This sentiment is shared with many others, but notably senior Jaylen Spears.
“All the smoothies are delicious [and have] a very good protein content,” Spears said. “Not only are they delicious and have protein content, but for every ten, you get a free one. I like that. The atmosphere is good. The employees are super nice and helpful.”
Nutrition Hub intentionally offers a variety of options, having both healthy food and a welcoming ambiance in order to appeal to a younger demographic which is perfect for students.
“The environment there is really relaxed. They have a lot of places to just sit and talk, so it’s a fun place to go hang out or study,” Hodges said. “I really like going and getting a tea and a shake, and then just hanging out or studying.”
Students feel that Nutrition Hub’s popularity is not based off of gimmicks.
“[I] don’t think they’re necessarily advertising towards younger people, but that obviously is the demographic that is coming in,” Spears said. “For me, it just kinda seems like it was word of mouth.”
Students of St. George’s are recommended to try this place out, but not just for the smoothies.
“To be honest, there isn’t a main reason that makes nutrition hub stand out,” Hodges said. “It’s just a bunch of little reasons that make it better. The workers are always nice, the prices are fair, and the ambiance is welcoming. I don’t really know how to explain it, you just have to go see it yourself.”
Although there are many good things about nutrition hub, the rising fad of smoothie restaurants does raise concerns. Kaylyn Underwood, high school Anatomy teacher, explained how smoothies can potentially contribute to overeating or weight gain in general.
“Anytime you’re looking at something that’s a smoothie or a juice, they can be packed with nutrients that are good for you. The problem is that they’re often not particularly very filling, because people digest things quicker that are already liquified,” Underwood said. So the problem is that if I’m using this as a supplement, then it’s great. If I’m trying to do it as a meal replacement, I often wind up eating more later in the day, because I burned through.”
Mrs. Underwood speaks to the importance of having a variety of nutrient sources.
“That’s the problem with anything that’s liquid, same thing with the juices,” Underwood said. “Yeah, juice is healthy for you, but you wind up eating more.”
As fads come and go, only a few stand the test of time. It will be time that decides if Nutrition Hub is going to last as a healthy alternative to tasty treats. But presently, don’t throw yourself completely into the deep end of the juice life.